International Meeting Point

Lost and looking for direction? Puzzled by the local language?

The International Meeting Point offers a place where you can hang out and meet other internationals or get the latest tips on what to do and where to go during Ropecon. You can come to the meeting point to get your bearings, to find out where to go if you want to do a specific thing during Ropecon and to have whatever puzzles you about Finnish convention culture answered. You can also network with fellow convention visitors and meet new people during the convention or just sit and relax for a moment. Both internationals and locals wishing to get to know new people are welcome!

International Meeting Point is located at the lobby on the 1st floor of Kokoustamo.

Opening hours:

  • Fri 16.00 – Fri 20.00
  • Sat 12.00 – Sat 20.00
  • Sun 12.00 – Sun 16.00